to paradise

Coconut Climb is available to book throughout the year.
Our manager will be on site to welcome you from 9am until 1pm - unless otherwise arranged.
With an average temperature of 30 ° C (while that of water oscillates between 27 and 29 ° C), the tropical climate of Seychelles is pleasant all year round. In addition, the archipelago is located outside the hurricane zone. Despite stable temperatures, there are two seasons marked by the direction of the trade winds.
The first, the rainy season, from October-November to March-April, with Northwest trade winds, is the warmest (about 32 ° C). The air is laden with moisture. December and January, months however very frequented by the tourists, are rather rainy, but the aspect of the sky can change completely from one side to another of the same island. Temperatures range from 24 to 31 ° C.
The second, the cool season, from April-May to September-October, with trade winds of South-East, is more windy (so favorable for the riders). Temperatures range from 18 to 26 ° C.
The transition months between the two seasons are the most pleasant, especially in October, November and especially in April and May.